Its deeply satisfying to see a campaign successfully home.
For 25 years MPs have been trying to establish a simple truth. CANNABIS HAS THERAPEUTIC QUALITIES. Governments have denied this simple fact. -Prejudice rich Evidence free.
Cannabis in its natural forms has been used for 5,000 year in all continents of the planet. The news has just reached the Government - one day into the parliamentary recess when the decisions cannot be probed.Twice this year the Government has stubbornly blocked my parliamentray bill that corrects the false basis of the prohibition on medicinal cannabis. Now they have given in, doing the right deed for the wrong reason.
Paul Flynn MP reacts to medical cannabis reforms
THE MP for Newport West, Paul Flynn, has said the UK government’s decision to legalise cannabis-derived medicines is “progress” but should have come sooner.
The home secretary, Sajid Javid, announced on Thursday (July 26) that specialist doctors would be able to prescribe the products to patients with exceptional medical needs by autumn this year.
Mr Flynn has long campaigned for cannabis – a Class B drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 – to be legalised for medical use.
Reacting to the home secretary’s decision, Mr Flynn said: “For the first time in 45 years a British government has admitted that cannabis is a medicine.
“This is progress, even though the government were shamed into acting by the obscenity of films of children having their seizure-controlling medicine confiscated.”
Mr Flynn is referring to the case of Billy Caldwell, a 13-year-old boy with severe epilepsy whose cannabis oil was confiscated by customs officials at Heathrow airport when his mother attempted to bring it into the country from Canada.
Billy’s condition had shown marked improvement during periods of treatment with the oil.
Mr Flynn now hopes the UK will explore cannabis-derived medicines as a potential treatment for other conditions, in line with other countries around the world.
“There is a bigger problem in the denial of cannabis medicine to many thousands who suffer from multiple sclerosis and epilepsy”, he said.
“Dozens of other countries have done the research and doctors should be allowed to prescribe [cannabis-derived medicines] for a whole range of other illnesses.”
While many people celebrate the news, including families who will now be able to legally access cannabis oil treatment, a leading children’s doctor has reminded people of the potential dangers of using such medicines without correct medical supervision.
Dr Mike Linney, registrar and chair of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health ethics committee, said: “Cannabis-derived medicinal products have been shown to improve the quality of life for some children suffering with conditions such as severe epilepsy.
“This decision will come as a relief for these families, as it grants hope for other potential life enhancing treatment options.
“In addition, this ruling will potentially allow further much needed research into the benefits and side effects of cannabis-derived medicinal products.
“Now that a decision has been made, we look forward to hearing more from the Department for Health and Social Care and the Medicines and Health products Regulatory Agency, who will now develop a clear definition of what constitutes a cannabis-derived medicinal product.
“However, in the meantime, I must stress the importance of parents not giving children unlicensed cannabinoid oil products.
“There is currently no clear evidence to suggest that they are safe or effective in treating medical conditions, and there is a serious risk that they will interfere with prescribed medications that the child is taking.
awesome blog
Posted by: hellen | September 25, 2018 at 02:20 PM
Very nice blog! I’ve just bookmark this!
Posted by: Brass Knuckles Vape | September 04, 2018 at 02:18 PM
This time it feels different. The power of argument from a backbencher, coupled with a shift in public opinion brought about by the stark reality of government policy and reluctance to change becoming apparent, and then to take on the government through the power of reasonable argument, evidence and the gumption of the people affected by these high profile cases, has seen an injustice reversed.
Fundamentally, we can ensure that this doesn't become a case of taking our foot off the pedal in the sense that, however poorly the democratic system is performing and has atrophied, no one can deny a specific case or cases when it is clear government policy will harm people, and that reasonable behaviour, solid argument and reliable evidence can alleviate it.
The best government we can get is what we deserve, if we want it. Lets keep talking. Lets push back against the droves and waves who prey upon those lacking the confidence to exercise their agency, that we can indeed convey an argument to the next generation that their interests lie in solidarity, or collective betterment, rather that gutter politics sold (literally) as a panacea, as some 'awakening' or some such rubbish.
Its a better day, no doubt. Given as you say grudgingly. I'm not going to second guess the experts in terms of who and in what circumstances these treatments can be offered. But yes, a victory for us all. Cheers!
Posted by: Ad | July 29, 2018 at 12:07 AM
Although this is a significant victory it is only the beginning of a larger battle. It is through gritted teeth that this decision was made and they will continue to put up as many barriers as possible to still prevent cannabis medicine from being prescribed. "Cannabis derived" medicine. What that ultimately means is only products THEY deem fit to be prescribed which currently only means GW Pharmaceuticals products, which are far too expensive and is a pie the PM and at least one of her ministers have their fingers in. The next step is to have them allow Bedrocan to be prescribed. There is some hope as the MHRA have reached out to campaign groups such as Clear for their input and that input has been Bedrocan is prescribed in many EU countries and it should be prescribed here too as essentially it is exactly the same as GWP's products but with a traditional delivery method, which also means it is a fraction of the price. But this government still wishes to continue the lie that raw herbal cannabis has no medicinal value. It's supposedly only once you extract all the compounds (the whole plant as the CEO of GWP is on record as stating) and stick it in a bottle with some ethanol and peppermint oil does it constitute as a medicine. Which of course is utter rubbish. Keep up the good work!
Posted by: [email protected] | July 28, 2018 at 08:29 PM
Nunc dimitis.
Posted by: Mr Hugh M Humphreys | July 28, 2018 at 04:56 PM