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July 03, 2018


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I trust the right decision will be reached. Reading your blog post, it would be such a let down for these children if your colleagues were not to go ahead with these reforms. They are supposedly qualified to govern, so should have the guts to take on the responsibility of protecting those many thousands who could greatly benefit. The improvements in those with these conditions and symptoms could be drastic, as well as for the lives of their friends and loved ones. So it is a big issue, to be taken with taken up with the utmost seriousness by those who currently condemn them to suffering through faulty law.

I understand that the expert review is still incomplete, but that the medical benefits for certain conditions have been established. The rest therefore must be a formality. The power to do good is so clear cut for these cases that have gained attention, and so many others now and in the future, that I can't help but think there would have to be some important overlooked argument against it. I just can't see it coming. You've stuck at it. I do believe that at last sense is dawning. And if it can/does, then who knows? I can't put it any better than when you say (paraphrase) reason and science overcome prejudice. So yes, a lot a stake.

Whichever party you subscribe to (or none); there should be nothing standing in the way in this case. There should be a generous and gentle impulse towards those that can be helped. To stand up for your people. If you can't see that then you have lost your grounding. I don't expect your colleagues to let us down, and from there I think we can look forward to improvement, with optimism.

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