Genesis of the Cairns TaxWill the saga of the Severn Bridges toll ever be put on the stage?It happened with a PACAC select committee meeting and it was a fineentertaining musical.The Severn Tolls farce might be judged too far-fetched to be plausible.This year we have witnessed a series of nonsensical statements by the Torysnake-oil hucksters that were designed to deceived. They all produced hoops ofgrateful joy from a media with the concentration span of an earthworm. Thecharlatan politicians plan to rob us again next January but demand ourgratitude for their fake news. The 'cut' is a con.PIC: SOUTH WALES ARGUS. Left to Right, TORY MP David Davies , TORY WelshSecretary Alun Cairns, TORY Minister Chris Graying united in mission to sellTolls snake-oil.£3.70On the 12thDecember 2016 the hapless Alun Cairns hilariouslyset his position to the Welsh Select Committee: -
Q90 Chair: This cut that has been promised at 50%—50% on the tolls as they are in2018 but still 50%—is absolutely guaranteed, isn’t it?Alun Cairns: That is the Government proposal but there is a consultation going onto how that can be achieved.Q91 Chair: So it is not quite guaranteed?Alun Cairns: The announcement has been made in Budget 2015, I think it was, or2014, and it is something that is Government policy.Q93 Paul Flynn: Severn Bridge tolls started four years before you were born,Secretary of State. Do you expect them to continue when you reach retirementage?Alun Cairns: Clearly I would hope, Mr Flynn, that you would accept that the 50%reduction that is proposed, subject to a consultation and so on, is a welcome step.Q94 Paul Flynn: There was a fascinating poll finding that said that 50% of thepopulation didn’t understand what 50% means. You have been quoted as sayingthat the toll should be £3.70. How is that 50% of £6.70?Alun Cairns: I was talking about of that order and I talked about it by the time thebridge comes into public ownership for which there will be an inflationary fee.Q95 Paul Flynn: In my view, the people of Wales are being ripped off by having oneof the few stretches of motorway, which the Severn Bridges are, tolled and thishas gone on for all these years now and because of the deals done a long time agoby a previous generation. There seems to be absolutely no reason why thisshouldn’t become a national responsibility and the psychological barrier to southWales, which is very damaging, could be removed.Alun Cairns: I am governed by the Act of Parliament and the Act of Parliament willhave struck a deal with the Severn Bridge company. We have an obligation in orderto deliver that but I would hope that reducing the tolls by half is seen as a verypositive step, although there will be a debt that remains outstanding. Itdemonstrates the scale of the project.Q96 Paul Flynn: You stand by the figure of £3.70?Alun Cairns: I would say wait until the consultation goes out.£3.00January 17th2017That posture did not last long. After checking their maths, they reduced theplanned toll to less than 50%The Trinity of Snake Oil Salesmen consisted of Chris Grayling, David Davies andAlan Cairns posed at the Severn Bridge and announced the 'Good News' that SevernBridges toll would be set at the bargain rate of £3.00! Hurrah! But that was for thelong term future.
But it was no bargain because next year the tolls should be nil. It was an attemptto con us. The snap General Election forced a re-think on the Tory Trinity. Todaythey will announced that they have seen the Labour Light and will resisttemptation to continue milking the cash cow of tolls double taxation. It will beannounced with a blast of Tory self-satisfaction in Newport today. (no. I have notbeen invited.)Will anyone ask if election opportunism played a part in their volte-face?Tory Toll junkies are hooked on the Highway Robbery that forces local peopleinto paying double taxation. While the Severn Bridges were in private handsthe deal to pay tolls was resented but tolerated. In early 2018, the bridges willbecome public property like the rest of the motorway system. They should bemaintained and financed in the same way as all other public roads.For 52 years, we have paid twice. First through our taxes for the roads system.Secondly through the toll payments. The Government want to continue to milk thecash cow of tolls. There is an overwhelming case for abolishing the tollsaltogether. At a stroke an injustice would end and the expense and psychologicalbarrier to accessing Wales would be gone.£billions of our taxes are paid to build, run and maintains the UK's road system.The Severn Bridges costs and debts are national responsibilities when they becomepublic property. Wales has a history of attacking unjust tolls by the Hosts ofRebecca. It's time the spirit of the 1839 was aroused again.16thMay 2017£00.00The Tories 2017 election bribe was an unconditional promise to end the tolls.As a bribe it failed. Their ambition was to gain 7 Labour seats. They lost threeof their own to Labour and every sitting Labour MP increased their majorities.They cannot mange a simple election bribe efficiently.The Severn Bridges Act 1992 set out framework to award private contract tobuild a much needed second Severn crossing. Severn River Crossings built thebridge with the power to charge tolls until revenue of £1.029 billion is raised orfor a maximum of 35 years. Wales has paid extortionate annually increasingtolls since.The debt is almost paid, the concession contract is coming to An end. In the nextyear the crossings will return to public ownership. Legal power to levy chargesends with the contact.The Act is clear and tolls must cease. The Crossings have an estimated annualrunning cost of £15m. As with any other road belonging to the Department forTransport maintenance costs are unavoidable. Road users already cover thesemaintenance costs with road tax. Further tolls amount to unreasonable andduplicate charges
12thSeptember 2017£5.60The Cairns Huckster team are back. Tolls are to be ‘CUT’ to £2.60 MORE thanCairns promised on January 17th. Not to reduce it to that level would be illegal.The reduction is because the bridges after next January will not be liable toVAT. There is no choice. But Alun Cairns still has no date for delivering on hiselection bribe of £00.00 tolls.No charge is necessary after January 2018. We have discharged our debt.It is no longer a toll, it’s a CAIRNS TAX.
Mr Cairns said he was not surprised at the reaction but claimed the "wider, silentmajority is absolutely with us". He urged "republicans" to "respect" the Princebecause of his work in the community.The decision to re-name the Bridge after Prince Charles is a PR disaster. A petition of 20,000 appeared overnight. A poll in the Argus showed that only a tiny 11% supported Cairns. 89% wanted no change, another name or could not care. Who is advising you on PR Alun? ....a Republican?
The status quo is rock steady, in some ways. In other words It will take a fierce force to upset it. Real effective change has to be wide-reaching, and comprehensive, To rebuild a lot of things. Shit circumstances caused by enemies within, plus those from abroad looking to take advantage, and then the wide array of cutthroats who you always get piling in opportunistically; well, we can see that 'through much tribulation we must enter the kingdom' etc.
The longer we leave it the worse it gets for us. There isn't necessarily a hero who will emerge and win the day. Nor do we necessarily deserve one, if that is at all relevant. Ultimately we have to look at ourselves, the people. What do we choose? This is not intended to be a haughty lecture, rather that I feel I have argued that superstition and self-worship has the ability to create the society (locally and further afield) that we should inevitably expect.
I DO believe there is such a thing as sin and sinners and that those sinners that become addicted to it. Now, I will back up a little and keep it as corporeal as I can, which I should. People often get what they deserve. Other times they don't. Now, continual stupidity, in the context I frame it in this meagre post, is a powerful force. To gain a habit, a propensity, is a powerful force. One that also leads to personal short-term enrichment; (of a clan, a class even) is even more dangerous. So what can we do?
Commit to a path of bettering the collective. Its not self-sacrifice, its survival, even selfishness. That needs qualifying. If people get it right, the world will get right, and people now and in the future will benefit. Yes, there is a buttress of reactionary interest, and a swathe of self-worshiping charlatans, but we outnumber them 10-1.
We can have peace in longevity if people decide it, take the basics on, use their numbers. Again it is not even self-sacrifice, it just humanity vs crime. Build. Arm yourselves. The devil himself will run away. I believe that.
Posted by: Ad | April 10, 2018 at 01:05 AM