This is what might have happened when Martin Luther met Pope Francis and together they met Money. Almost all of the words of Martin Luther and Pope Francis are quotes from their writings.
Pope : in 1517 the church was not a role model. There was corruption, there was worldliness, there was greed, a lust for power. Martin Luther protested against this. And he was an intelligent man.
Money : with money hat on. We are here to celebrate the power of money to purchase for people access to God
Luther: Oh no we aren’t. Takes Money’s hat off and places it on the ground. The only thing bringing us to God is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Money: takes hat back. In that case we are here, today, 2017, to call economists, financiers, technology experts to celebrate this: unlimited growth is here to stay.
Pope : No: there is not an unlimited supply of the worlds goods. The world is being squeezed dry.
Luther: and God writes the gospel not in the bible alone, but also in the trees, and in the flowers, and clouds and stars.
Money: Enough of that, we are here to celebrate me, the god of extreme profits, so that I may gorge myself on the feast of everything that stands in my way.
Pope: Sadly we might agree. Whatever is fragile, like the environment, is defenceless before you, the god of the market. It seems that you are the only rule.
Money: so you admit defeat?
Luther: Defeat? if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. For every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. Everything that is done in this world is done by hope.
Money: Hope? Money crushes hope. What are you going to do?
Luther: When cardinal Bogoglio became pope, he took the name of St Francis. But this was not just a name, it was a plan.
Pope : Francis, The man of poverty, the man of peace, the man who loves and protects creation. Francis, the man who changed history. How I would like a church that is poor and is for the poor. What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?
Luther: Parents shouldn’t give up choosing what is best for their children, even when they are ungrateful.
Money: And do you, with all your terrible mistakes, think that anyone will listen?
Luther: No great saint lived without errors.
Pope: I also am a sinner but I trust in the infinite mercy and patience of our lord Jesus Christ .And in this day and age, unless Christians are revolutionaries, they are not Christians.
Luther: And though this world with devils filled should threaten to undo us, we will not fear for god has willed His truth to triumph through us.
Pope : We need to strengthen the conviction that we are one single family. The climate is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all. This is one of the greatest challenges of our time: changing to a form of development which seeks to respect creation.
Money: so what do you want?
Pope and Luther. A radical reformation of the economy.
Money: What do you want?
All:. A radical reformation of the economy.
Pope: the time has come to accept decreased growth in some parts of the world, so that other parts may experience healthy growth.
Money: This is just asking for...
Pope and Luther: A radical reformation of the economy
Money: You know you can’t have...
All: A radical reformation of the economy.
Pope: I await the surprise of each day.
Luther: God is always a surprise, so you never know where and how you will meet him.
Both: Earth our mother moon our brother, here we stand we can do no other.
Pope: working for a just distribution of the fruits of the earth and human labour is not mere philanthropy, it is a moral obligation. For Christians the responsibility is even greater, it is a commandment.
Both: Earth or mother, moon our brother, here we stand we can do no other.
Luther: If you want to change the world, pray and act. And let us sing as we go; may our struggles and our concern for this planet never take away the joy of our hope.
Money: But money always rules.
Pope: takes hat. No it does not. Men and women will not be sacrificed to the idols of profit and consumption. Money has to serve and not rule.
All: Money has to serve and not rule.
Pope and Luther: what do we want?
All: a radical reformation of the economy
Pope and Luther: What do we want?
All: a radical reformation of the economy!
Christian Climate Change. London 4th December
Yes I think there is an argument for money becoming idolatry. And indeed there being a higher calling to duty, rather than to doubting and fear. The world needs the former and the latter is already realised.
It is possible to have a better world. A new state. Less nationalistic and the people represented. New laws. Old ones gotten rid of. Those that do our best instead of serving money. A new culture. Better at embracing truth, peace and equality. Principles agreed and enshrined instead of avoided and deceived.
Do good. Want to do good if you cannot. There is not much to it. I look up to Jesus in that regard (and many others).
So indeed what do we leave for our children and so on? And if we have a long and happy life and are regretted and cursed when we are gone, for all time, what was the purpose and the point? None whatsoever.
So, on a more corporeal basis. Why did we stop building houses for people to live in? And why are the tabloid minority (they don't have sincere beliefs most of the time and usually don't represent anyone but the frustrated milieu that they create). In other words the right to housing extends to all: see the last bit.
A house should be for life if wanted. It should be inviolable from greedy individuals. It should be promoted/informed taught that this is in their interest. Why? Because the capitalist system was born out of the labour of the workers. Now, disgustingly, they try and and tell the workers they have no rights, no possible future and that they are THE ENEMY.
So, the pope isn't far off the mark. Why should we do the work and others get all the money whilst they run the planet into the ground? It needn't be this way. A man builds houses yet cannot afford to buy a house?
Posted by: Ad | December 12, 2017 at 12:28 AM