Trump is not as bad as we expected from his election campaign. He is unbelievably worse.
We have all met the incorrigible liars who create their own reality worlds in which they are the perpetual infallible heroes. They are always found out and are shunned as figures of ridicule.
Trump hit rock bottom with his infantile defence of the most dangerously divisive extremists in US politics. In six months he has inflamed every frozen world conflict that he has addressed and created the worst nuclear tension for 50 years.
Rightly his competence to perform the role of President has been challenged by a Republican Senator. His manic egotism and protozoan intelligence have created divisions where there was harmony reversing the traditional role of a President as the nation's impartial leader and healer.
Can he be removed? Although 40% of the population would like to see Trump impeached, history informs us that this is unlikely. There are ways the powers of those in elected office can be diminished when they behave malevolently. It happens here.
Ostensibly powerful UK ministers, including David Blunkett and Ken Clarke, have complained of rubber levers. They pulled the levers of change and nothing happened. Those with powers to implement, especially the civil servants, the policies gum up the works ensuring no changes.
Trump tweeted that transgender people would not be allowed to serve in US armed forces. The military disagreed. Trump pulled the rubber lever and nothing happened. Trump's promised destruction of Obamacare and wall building policies are on hold. Politicians, the military, industry, commerce the free media and intelligent American opinion have denounced Trump.
Congress and Senate have equal powers to the Presidency. They should assert them and obstruct all of Trump's malign actions.
Sacking of Steve Bennon from his shrinking circle of supporters reinforces the view that he behaves like a petulant child jealous of anyone else getting the limelight. Worse, it could be his addiction to sacking people. On his reality show all those who were sacked would be resurrected with new talent in the new series.
When President Nixon was drinking to excess and babbling inanities his staff removed the nuclear button from him. With luck the sane powers at the White House are thinking on similar lines.
He could chuck it all away. He doesn't seem to be very good at the art of damage limitation. I just don't want him to attempt to drag others down with him. Still, I hope he keeps getting bombarded with stuff he doesn't have the capacity to handle. A plague on his (political) house so to speak. I hope it carries on for next few days as it has been. It seems like he doesn't know where to go or who to turn to. Could be the real motivation behind keeping the far right on side rather than any deep conviction (not that it lessens the culpability). The far right Nazi affiliates probably thought this was their chance, their moment, but will now be deserted by the flailing, wandering objectives of an increasingly isolated president.
He really needs to decide if he is prepared to listen. If not he should get gone as soon as possible. Or others should see to that process. It is quite simple really, go for the apology and making amends route or say goodbye. Has to be done. There has to be some limit, and he went way past it. Its up to him but I'd give him less than a week to do it at this point.
Its incumbent on the wider state apparatus or system to see to the protection of their constituents. Trump is just a walking wounded, short term problem. Needs to be put out to pasture. Someone with some sort of grounded mentality and reliability to take the reins for an interim period at the least.
Posted by: Ad | August 18, 2017 at 10:20 PM