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August 30, 2017


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What was she doing in Paris in the first place? A palace in England, or speeding round Paris? What was she running away from? Presumably under a cloud.

I'm not particularly fascinated by the tragedy itself. Clearly though she had enemies and people who betrayed her. I imagine it all must have been quite frightening not only to her but also to the people she went around with.

I think it was a trap. Who or why? It was meant to happen I know that much. I'd go with the driver being blinded and dazzled theory.

At the end of the day we are talking about a camp with a stake in a whole system worth trillions. Rival camps will be sent off.

Where does that leave us? Keeping on surviving and embarrassed. Reputation tarnished. And lacking the truth.

Personally, I'd rather see the lot of them gone as a system/institution, but while they are here then it is somewhat important and relevant.

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