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August 20, 2017


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Funnily enough, the richer they get the more they want. They see to that by snatching off others, which they see as a perfectly legitimate way to enrich themselves. Those who oppose it in their own interest are 'old-fashioned', 'unworthy' or 'extreme'.

This is how I see it: they withhold, give out just enough, but it is not theirs to begin with. They are not where they are and we the majority where WE are because they are better, more useful, more intelligent or more driven etc. The difference is more basic. Some aren't willing to despise others. Some aren't full of themselves. This may sound trivial but you see the attitude so often. Exemplified in fact in Trump. Some stand with others for the greater good, others will use all means to advance their selfish interest. I believe that is the difference, and why the sententious attempts to try and convince us that anything to the left of crony privatisation, austerity etc. is flawed or unrealistic, is hollow and specious.

Strong attacks weak. Its not merely selfishness, you also have to include hate and antipathy. They use power and authority to afflict. What they should have done is help. But its anathema.

We have to recognise this difference. We have to recognise that their gain is our loss and nothing to do with merit or deserving on their part. To end the injustice and unfairness. To repudiate hollow false doctrine.

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