At the moment I cannot make head nor tale of the Repeal Bill.
It proposes a border in Northern Ireland that is a No-border. How can that work? Today we hear that the European Court of Justice will have In-direct powers over UK Courts. That was not promised. The time for introducing Brexit has been delayed by 3 years as far as the Custom Union is concerned to avoid the cliff edge. There is no hope of getting £350 million a week for the NHS but we will have to pay tens of £billions into the EU for the divorce settlement. I don't remember anyone voting for that in the referendum. Parliament will consider the bill of its merits.
We have respected the result of the referendum by voting for Article 50 to start the process. If it turns up that the country was misled, it will time for second thoughts.
The most signifcant figure that came from the County's match with Leeds was the attendance of 17,000. Leeds were generous in allowing the game to rank as a home feature for the county. That should be a good boost for the finances. I have book posh tickets for Saturday's game. It will be a thrill to see the new new turf and to witness the first home game. I hope the campaign for the 5,000 cn be reached. 600 Newport fans travelled to Leeds from Newport. That's a good sign that last season's exciting final games' enthusiasm is still alive.
A great deal has been written about the most air polluted stretch of road in the UK outside of London. Blame has been put on the volume and speed of traffic plus the steep incline at Hafodyrynys. But there are thousands of roads that are worse as far as those three characteristics are concerned. What make this road is so deadly is that it is a canyon with steep enclosing high embankments on both sides of the road. That is what allow the pollution to concentrate and linger. What is needed is better air flow to disperse the pollution. That can only be achieved by changing the canyon enclosure by either removing trees or a few properties. I hope these measures are being considered.
I don't imagine the leave result has endeared us and our interests to the institution itself and a large section of the populace. We are headed somewhere, probably not somewhere good.
I think the British establishment's shtick (pompous, expecting special treatment) will not count for much. This is a problem. I imagine we are quite hated. For the reasons I have just mentioned.
They (EU establishment) certainly aren't looking to HELP us or give us an easy ride.
So, no, perhaps not pleasant in the short term. I don't however think that such treatment is right or fair. There isn't a great deal of honesty from both sides. Resentment too. I think the problems of our country are difficult and are only cemented and entrenched by being overseen by an undemocratic supra-national organisation.
Trouble is, its much the same on our side of the divide. There is no justice, equality or any hunger for it.
The majority can be wrong. The majority can steer us wrongly. Are either side, such as they are, treating each other honestly and fairly? We need people with principles, intelligence. Not front and shamelessness.
I think people, me included, don't take much notice of other's misfortune. And because the more unfortunate are struggling to get by without having time to voice their interests it gets overlooked.
If things were the right way round we would say, "we need better political representatives, more competent in technicalities, more willing to earn their keep through diligence" etc. I strongly believe that is what we need but are NOT getting.
Posted by: Ad | September 06, 2017 at 01:54 AM
Brexit is attractive in theory but impossible in practice. As each new Brexit horror emerges public opinion will shift to the position pre-referendum of 95% of Labour MPs.
Paul Flynn
M.P for Newport West,
A.S dros Orllewin Casnewydd,
01633 262 348/ 020 7219 3478 / 0788 792 5699
Posted by: Paul Flynn | August 27, 2017 at 09:54 AM
I think the governments attitude to it heralds disaster. They don't listen, which is typical. The attitude is 'the referendum decided, we must oblige'. Almost dogmatic, despite the fact that the result was narrow, within which on both sides there are a range of opinions/positions. They even called a GE just to give them their 'strong hand' (didn't work out..)
You could make any argument to them, they wouldn't hear it. The result came in, the course is to be refractory?
Its like, " we have been given the authority, therefore what we do is inevitable and infallible". Well hang on a moment. A referendum doesn't give authority to batten down the hatches and forge ahead however they want, ironically weakening the hand of those who voted either way in the referendum.
All the while they invite Donald Trump to be fully regaled by the head of state. That is who really rules us and would make a better referendum. Hence the dissolving of the NHS, rejection of climate change facts and being governed in the interests of the inherently selfish few.
I'll lay my cards out. I don't see Brexit as a bad thing for the rulers, bourgeoisie, and to an extent us. We though should not work for them. Or be told that when cuts lead to redundancy, or wage CUTBACKS, then its clear: they need us, not us them. Truth, but the opposite is the only permissible discourse.
What do we need? Someone to tell us what to do? Its all true, what Marx said. The early church isn't remote (reference to Acts).
Not that that confers authority, merely illustrates the comprehensive lack of base continued and perpetuated by those who oppose justice. (for their own gain).
So, going back, they won't listen. And Marx is about as relevant as can be.
Posted by: Ad | August 26, 2017 at 11:25 PM