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June 11, 2017


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augustine raila

GOOD ONE BUT MOST mps are hypocretes


useful information

Paul Flynn

Thanks Ad for your kind thoughts and good wishes.\My thinking is very close to yours. Gloom on Thursday was changed to joy with the exit poll. Something vital is happening. A return to the politics of hopss and idealism and away from the politics of greed and grab. Looking forward to the PLP meeting on Tuesday. All peace and unity?

Paul Flynn

01633 262 348/ 0788 792 5699


I'm so glad the Newport West electorate returned you as their MP again, Paul. Its a remarkable run. One of our most useful, insightful and industrious MPs will be benefiting us all once again. I and so many others enjoy your blogs and tweets and its good news that we still have plenty to look forward to in that regard and that we have the chance to follow your fights on many fronts against the foe.

I don't need to tell you what you're about, and wouldn't presume to, but if I can use this post to make a couple of suggestions: I would recommend (as all MPs should) that they, and we alongside them, are fighting the corner of those trodden down by years of ideological austerity. That we can materially assist the poorest rather than lecture them with a 'be tough and cruel to be kind' dogma, which typically only amounts to hurting others.

Then we need to win the arguments, promote our principles and build a side of rationality, true common sense and justice that will stand us all in good stead now and in the future. On that note, stopping the infighting and self-destructive behaviour that we have seen on occasion and becoming a force that recommends itself by its behaviour and words. I suggest that the Labour party already has the person to lead it in Jeremy Corbyn, now the rest of the PLP has to find a way to work and pull in the same direction. To be united and determined against the calumnies of those whose interests are aligned against them and us. Not allowing themselves to be dragged through the mud by a hostile Tory press. Best to rise above it I would say. We know they lack principles and can be the worst of hypocrites. Tory bungling vs principle you can stand by. A choice can at last be offered.

Well done again and best of luck to you in your endeavours.

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