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May 01, 2017


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"I've always been on good terms with Newport Tories. Some of them even vote for me! So do some Plaid Cymru and Green voters. I'm grateful to them. Their secrets are safe with me."

That might be because some of your views on certain minority groups coincides with that of certain elements of right-wing nationalist, Paul;) Personally, I'd be worried about that.

Paul Flynn

No there is no precedent I know of to Labour imposing a SHORTLIST OF ONE on a party. Newport Tories has a shortlist on which none of the local people were included-even though some wanted to be added.
Alan Howarth was selected from a shortlist of five. I would have preferred a shortlist of nine. No Labout Party or any other self-respecting group would accept having a single candidate imposed on them.

Paul Flynn

No. Alan was not imposed. There was a shortlist of 5 I believe including the late Reg Kelly who had challenged sitting MP Roy Hughes at a previous selection
The Newport Labour Parties would not stand for candidates being imposed without a local vote. I have quibbles about that selection and the elimination of some local candidates. But ultimately the choice was the members in Newport East.
I always face re-selection

About time you revived your own ambitions?

Paul Flynn

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On 1 May 2017, at 18:53, Typepad wrote:

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Didnt the Labour Party do the same with Alan howarth When he defected from the Tories? Surely all parties should choose the best candidate preferably a local person who represents their constituents because they know the problems that affect the area they represent. I am a Labour Party member and have been for many years I once considered putting myself forward as a councillor but was put off by the Labour Party policy of all women shortlists as I would want to represent a ward that chose me because they thought I would represent them the best not because I had the right bits. So maybe there is fault on all sides

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Nicola Bodman

Didn't the Labour Party do the same with Alan howarth When he defected from the Tories? Surely all parties should choose the best candidate preferably a local person who represents their constituents because they know the problems that affect the area they represent. I am a Labour Party member and have been for many years I once considered putting myself forward as a councillor but was put off by the Labour Party policy of all women shortlists as I would want to represent a ward that chose me because they thought I would represent them the best not because I had the right bits. So maybe there is fault on all sides

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