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November 03, 2016


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Must admit, whilst I think Brexit was not a good idea and that the far-right played too much of a part in it, I am made uncomfortable by democratically elected representatives like John Major using terms like "the tyranny of the majority". To me, it smacks too much of what an 18th century member of the aristocracy during the French ancient regime might well have said as an argument against the notion of government by the general will. Yes, the majority of people can make the wrong decision like the ancient Greeks who foolishly voted to start a war that destroyed them (not well up on when and against whom). And of course in more recent times there's the disturbing reality that Hitler was actually democratically elected. However, what is the alternative to rule by the majority? Rule by an intelligentsia, or an illuminati or only by those from backgrounds rich enough to be able to be privileged with a good education?

Paul Flynn

There is an over-arching priority here. Voting against Article 50 would have been pointless because success was impossible plus a vote against would have been a gift TO UKIP andthe Brexiteers proving their claim that the political elite is out of touch and anti-democratic. That view s the road to disillusionment with politics and the path to a populist obscenity such as Trump. No point in barking before you can bite. Opposition will fierce after next week as the Tory anti-Brexiteers will find their mojo.

Paul Flynn MP

M.P.Newport West,

01633 262 348/ 0788 792 5699/ 020 7219 3478

Twitter: @paulflynnmp


Blog: paulflynnmp.co.uk

Martin May

In that case, can you account for your vote in favour of triggering article 50? Have always voted for you and feel incredibly let down.

Paul Flynn

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Paul Flynn MP

M.P.Newport West,

01633 262 348/ 0788 792 5699/ 020 7219 3478

Twitter: @paulflynnmp


Blog: paulflynnmp.co.uk

Concerned of Newport

Err, did you vote (7th Dec) to back Theresa May triggering Article 50 in March next year? Please explain.

Paul Flynn

My election was not a one day snapshot of public opinions. It was seven elections success over 29 years in a seat previously held by a Tory Mp. These votes confirmed previous victories for council seats since 1972. Not one day but approval over 44 years.

Mike Phelps

'A snapshot of public opinion one day in June' was how Paul Flynn descibed the EU refrendum result.

His election to Parliament could be descibed as a snapshot of public opinion one day in May.


Ultimately the government is supposed to be accountable to the people. I think a referendum was the right thing to do in this instance because of the polarity of opinion. The leavers were not duped or frightened any more than the remainers were by Cameron saying peace in Europe was under threat. Both major parties had leaderships which favoured remain, the public did not follow.

People aspire to more freedom and say in their own affairs and futures. The EU has become increasingly unaccountable, exercising authority without permission. It obviously did not go to plan for Cameron, but the result was in my opinion a good one for the reasons I've tried to articulate.

I cannot see the point in a second referendum if there is no overwhelming popular call for it. Will that change? The scales tipped and the public decided DESPITE the uncertainty of what followed. This was a vote for change as much as anything. If you really believe that £350 million extra for the NHS lie swung it then make them cough it up.

Not much, and with respect.

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