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May 04, 2016


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Paul Flynn

Its a tough fight. Possibly blocked by vested interests in many MPs in waltzing through the revolving doors themselves.

Paul Flynn MP  


It makes it look like the charade it is for many. Their supposed duty to the country is only a means to an end i.e. financial reward. They present themselves as authorities when they are merely pretentious spivs.

They are the opposite of what we need and expect. They should be engaging with peoples' needs and concerns and working behind the scenes for the benefit of their constituents rather than looking for opportunities to feather their own nests. What a waste of everyone's time and indeed of space they are. Its fatal to our interests in that their heart is not even really in it.

Everything has to be monetised it seems. I don't quite get it. Many of your colleagues are very skilled in their (supposed) vocation, but they are ultimately self-centered. 'Why shouldn't I make a few quid when everyone else does it?' Which would be a very mild and perhaps inadequate reflection of the contempt they show for us and the shallowness of their mindset.

So, well done for campaigning and bringing this issue into the daylight. To borrow a bit of New Testament wisdom which could well be applicable to professional politicians, 'you cannot serve God and Mammon'. Or perhaps 'you cannot serve your constituents wholeheartedly if you have one eye on your bank balance' (Ok I've mangled that enough). Otherwise it almost certainly leads to conflicts of interest.

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