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November 24, 2011


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Stuart McCorquodale

Further reading on this very subject:

Shining MoonSoon

Paul - Well done for persisting. the whole affair is absolutely disgusting and in light of current reports of war planning against Syria/Iran and Gould/Werrity's 'affiliations' with the neo-cons and Mossad it's not hard to join the dots and see what is happening here. Keep up the good work.

John Goss

Thanks so much for asking the questions you asked of Gus O'Donnell at Business Questions yesterday. You are speaking up, and speaking up well, for many of us who do not believe we have a voice in parliament. I wish my MP, Steve McCabe, was asking similar questions. A teacher of mine at Blackburn Tech was Bob Cryer, later M.P. for Keighley, who was killed in a motoring incident at the same time he was raising questions about why we have a US telephone and telecommunications-tapping base at Menwith Hill. Menwith Hill is still there so if you bump into Steve McCabe in the Corridors of Power, would you please remind him that I asked him to question parliament about this illegal site. Bob Cryer had fire, commitment, and persistence, like you. Keep at them, please. Unfortunately I don't think anything will stop Israel, backed by NATO, going into Iran.
John Goss

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