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October 18, 2008


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M Rogers

I only knew Jim in the 1970s via the local party but he was a solid and decent chap who always thought of others and what he could offer.
What would he think of the state of things now?

Paul Flynn

Dear Geoff,

Please forgive my hijacking of my husbands email. It was lovely to be reminded of your Dad.

Jim was my supervisor when I first worked at the DHSS in SovereignHouse. I was a stroppy but idealistic teenager - foolish enough to take on the chairing of the Civil Public Servants Association at the office. Jim was a grade higher than I and was a strong voice in the Civil Service Union. Bearing in mind that this was during the early 70s and we were at war with Sir Keith Joseph, I almost certainly owed my job to the fact that I had a wonderful and protective supervisor. They tried to get rid of me later, but thats another story.

Anyway, I just wanted to say he spoke of you a lot and was very proud of your work in the Church and in politics.

Best wishes,

Sam Flynn.

M.P.Newport West,

01633 262 348/ 0788 792 5699/ 020 7219 3478

Twitter: @paulflynnmp


Blog: paulflynnmp.co.uk

Paul Flynn

Delighted that you read the tribute even though its nine years late.
Bycoincidence I blogged one today about a close friend and a fellow clergman of yours.. I have not published his name because the family have yet to publish it. It is no secret as everyone knows but you cannot be too careful.

Very best wishes,

M.P.Newport West,

Geoff waggett

After all these years I have just come across this, I'd like to thank you for such a lovely blog and kind words about dad.
Geoff Waggett

Paul Flynn

Thanks Jolly Roger. I'd be happy to try living on your income which I presume is basic pension plus. That's £90 a week plus???

I live frugally and my needs are modest. The difficulty - possibly - impossibility is accounting for things like accommodation and transport when I have no bills for paying for items bought years ago. Dividing up the fuel bills would be artificial.

When Matthew Parris did this about 25 years ago, he had a team of people from a TV company calculating the bills.
I do not think it's practical unless some body is willing to make the calculations and the judgements at the ened.

Jolly Roger

As I'm permanently out of the loop,
I'd describe myself as a Mug in a Soup,
With my doubled tax and inflation too,
I'm puzzled as to what I should actually do.
I shop most carefully and I can tell you,
That packet soup's cheaper, my dear fellow.
Tesco's Value, that's for me.
None of your Organic muck for my tea.

Presumably, you've no idea,
Of the pensioner's plight, right by here.
Organic bloody Soup, my arse!
Not on my money, it's too damned sparse.
And before I get somewhat over-heated,
Here's the challenge, oft-times repeated.
Step right up, Paul, me old honey,
You try living a month on my money.

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