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March 17, 2008


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Chris Gale

Thanks for a great first year of the blog Paul.
Your defence of the Hunting Act and the brave people who monitor the hunting fraternity and campaign against them is greatly appreciated by so many.

Paul Flynn

Thanks Bustin' Loose. I'm reluctant to contact this lady directly after bitter past experiences. She would certainly reply and reply and reply....

Obsessives are not just for Birthdays. They are for life.

Paul Flynn

Thanks John A. In spite of pleas at Business Questions from Brian Iddon and me, there is no sign of a debate or statement on the new Ten Years Drugs strategy. In 1998, the old Drug Czar strategy had the full treatment with bells and trombones.

This time, it's softly, softly in case someone notices that hardly any of the 98 targets have been met.

Paul Flynn

Thanks you James Schneider - very generous of you and greatly appreciated coming from a fellow blogger.

Bustin' Loose

You could suggest to that lady that she advertises in Private Eye - those ads can't keep appearing every week without someone laundering some cash into those bank accounts ?

Penblwydd Hapus and all that..

John A

I could not agree more regarding heroin - there really needs to be a complete u-turn on government drugs policy. Why are doses strong enough to kill even available? Because the market is unregulated.

James Schneider

Congragulations on a superb first year. Your blog is an excellent read and fully deserves the high praise from Dale. Many elected members blogs can be so dry, yours adds humour, interest and colour to the day. Thank you and long may it continue.

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